总统的简报 2023年秋季

盖尔维. 毕比,Ph值.D.

盖尔维. Beebe became Westmont’s eighth president in 2007 after serving as president of Spring Arbor University in Michigan for seven years. 2008年他的就职典礼上,史蒂夫·福布斯(Steve Forbes)发表了演讲, 福布斯的首席执行官, 和Steve Sample, 南加州大学前校长. 阅读更多ag娱乐官网总统的信息.

We greeted about 400 first-year and transfer students to campus for the newly named 战士欢迎 8月. 24-27. WCSA 总统 Nash Garvey and I introduced ourselves to families at the entrance and welcomed them to the Warrior family. 虽然我们可以对这些新学生说很多积极的事情, we're particularly pleased we bucked the national trends with a 9 percent jump in the number of male students from last year. Men make up 45 percent of the incoming class — the largest percentage at the college since the early 1980s. 我们把这归功于我们创新的新项目, 包括工程, 数据分析和计算机科学, 以及进入NCAA DII, 对于这种增长.






We celebrate the best ending possible for Westmont ag娱乐官网’ final season in the NAIA: the baseball team diving into a celebratory dogpile. 勇士队在世界大赛中以7比6战胜了东道主, Lewis-Clark状态, 赢得了学院第十次全国冠军, the first for Westmont baseball and the first by a Warrior men’s team in 51 years.

ag娱乐官网. 气候. 行动. 2023年会议

ag娱乐官网. 气候. 行动. 会议

特别感谢Amanda Sparkman和Marianne Robins教授, who co-chaired and hosted on campus the successful Christian climate change conference June 25-July 2. ag娱乐官网 40 students and faculty from Christian colleges and universities learned about climate change and its widespread effects at “ag娱乐官网. 气候. 行动:基督教气候倡导研讨会. “我们欢迎了大约二十几位顶尖学者来校园演讲, 包括户外敬拜吗, 远足和动手种植在学院的花园. 要了解更多信息,请点击这里.

Westmont ncaa ii分部


我们的勇士队现在参加美国职业棒球联赛第二组的比赛 全国大学体育协会 (NCAA),并在太平洋西部联盟对阵新的和老对手. 我们相信

this move to NCAA DII will provide better opportunities and experiences for our collegiate athletes. 祝贺鲁斯·麦高平教练和排球队, which became the first squad in college history to win a match as a member of NCAA DII. 左拉Sokhela, ag娱乐官网14次入选全美最佳选手, 获得PacWest本周最佳跑者, 这是第一个授予威斯蒙特大学运动员的NCAA DII荣誉. 两周后,左拉再次获得了大会的荣誉. The men's and women's soccer teams defeated the Biola Eagles in their latest games as well. 



我们希望你能加入我们在夏季研究的庆祝活动星期五,10月11日. 13, 在冬厅, 大约45名学生将在那里展示他们的作品, 包括一些去过厄瓜多尔的人, 智利和瑞士. 七名工程专业的学生和丹·詹森教授一起去基多旅行, 厄瓜多尔, 他们在哪里分享对科学的热爱, 技术, 和孩子们一起参加课后项目的工程和数学. 本·卡尔森派了三名学生到日内瓦的欧洲核子研究中心进行研究, while another student won an award from US ATLAS Summer Undergraduate Program for Exceptional 研究ers (SUPER) to continue reSearch at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Jen Ito and two of her physics students conducted reSearch at an elevation of 17,000 feet in Chile. 韦斯特蒙特大学教授和学生的研究 在这里



Westmont welcomes four excellent new tenure-track professors to campus this fall. 山姆·科尔(经济与商业), 韩令辉(经济与商业), 保罗·梅纳(传播学), and Anna Jordan '07 (English) each bring a committed Christian faith and a desire to challenge students to think deeply while learning broadly. 了解更多ag娱乐官网他们的信息 在这里 以及为什么他们会对我们的ag娱乐官网产生重大影响. 



In May, we welcomed Mary Barbour and Marcus ‘好呀!’ Goodloe to the Board of Trustees. 玛丽的女儿安娜于2022年从韦斯特蒙特大学毕业, 古迪的女儿汉娜将于2024年春季毕业. Mary and 好呀! served on the Parent's Council before being selected as trustees. 玛丽来自宾夕法尼亚州,在那里她一直是一名活跃的ag娱乐官网志愿者. 好呀!, 他在达拉斯浸会大学获得博士学位,还写了三本书, travels the country mentoring others about leadership, 性格塑造与ag娱乐官网. 要了解更多信息,请点击 在这里



威斯蒙特在美国的排名上升了16位.S. 新闻 & World Report’s 2024 Best Colleges national liberal arts rankings — the college’s largest rise since 2010. 连续第19年, Westmont is one of the top two national Christian liberal arts colleges and the No. 加州和美国西部的一所基督教文理学院. 韦斯特蒙特大学是美国大学中表现最好的大学.S. 社会流动性排名, which measures how well schools enrolled and graduated students who received federal Pell Grants. 该学院上升了14位,排名第1. 137 (tied) in social mobility and is among the top 10 liberal arts colleges in California. 更多排名,请点击 在这里



作为战士欢迎仪式的一部分, about 150 first-generation and international students and their family members took part in 第一个连接,  a pre-orientation session designed for students who are the first in their family to attend college. This program emphasizes the various elements involved in a new cultural experience and the interpersonal connections vital to thriving in the college environment.The 73 first-generation students represent a more than 4 percent increase from last year. 我们相信韦斯特蒙特是合适的尺寸,适合第一代学生, and we're committed to supporting them and helping them connect with each other and their new college community. 



今年秋天, Westmont Downtown | Grotenhuis Nursing welcomed its next cohort of 22 students — 18 women and four men — at the Westmont Downtown campus. 与此同时, all eight graduates of our inaugural Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing cohort have successfully passed the National Council for Licensure Exam-RN and begun careers as nurses. 这些护士中有一半在圣巴巴拉和文图拉县服务. 要了解更多信息,请点击 在这里.


We celebrated the gifts of Siegwart ‘Zig’ Reichwald and officially installed him as Adams professor of music and worship — all part of a wonderful day of music on Sept. 29. One of the many highlights of the installation service was hearing the premiere setting of Psalm 121 composed by our own Steve Butler. 可以查看该服务 在线.




我们欢迎校友们回到校园 2023年回国 10月. 13-15 and to honor four stellar individuals at the annual 校友 Awards Celebration Brunch. This year's honorees are Jay (Ofori) Diallo ’08 (Alumnus of the Year); Jenise Steverding '97 (Alumna of the Year); Carl LaBarbera ’76 (Global Service); and 加布里埃拉(Pinheiro Chavez)阿维拉14(年轻校友) 表彰他们在个人事业上取得的卓越成就. 


的奉献 弗莱彻·琼斯基金会工程大楼 将于10月20日举行, 下午4:30有开放日,下午5:15有节目. Westmont is helping to meet a critical need in the field of engineering: engineers with a solid foundation in the liberal arts, 先进的技术能力, 以及在设计创新方面的全面培训.  Westmont launched a Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a concentration in Mechanical Engineering in fall 2019 following record levels of interest in the new program with growing enrollment year over year. The dedication program and ribbon cutting will officially mark the opening of the much-anticipated facility.

我们的许多秋季活动包括庆祝夏季研究, 艺术展览, 讲座, 音乐会, 戏剧作品和比赛由我们的排球, 足球队和越野队.

As I begin my 17th year as president of Westmont, I can think of so many reasons to be thankful. I'm pleased to share with you the significant updates and activities of this unique and extraordinary college community. I would love to see you at an upcoming event and hope you'll participate in our vibrant campus life!



盖尔维. 毕比,Ph值.D.
